Sunday, August 20, 2006

Doomsdayweeks (Part II) - Episode 3

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Listening: Onitsuka Chihiro - Beautiful Fighter
Reading: Bleach Chapter 239 by Kubo Tite

It is becoming really really stressful. I am starting to feel as though I cannot make it before the dateline. I am way too slow. I suppose this is a normal feeling.

I never realised that drawing a lot of chibis (or 4-year-old kids) for so many times could be so annoying. So hard to keep they shoulder width, their neck thickness, the arm length, hand size, thigh and calf lengths consistent. I never had a 4-year-old model to draw before after all. I do need more practice.

And whaha, guess what Saru took out her stress on? Illustrator!! XDD Actually, I just drew this on a scrap piece of paper, trying to imagine how 21's (uhh just one of my characters, pronounced as "two-one", real name Shaine) mother would look like. And when I was done I went yay this would look good in the "paint it black" vector style!! So here it goes: (Click to see full-view!!)

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Weeeeee~ Saru likes playing with positive and negative space. The last time with the "Paint it black", it was black to block out the dark parts on a hue. So this time, Saru tried to do the opposite: white to block out the light parts on a hue. Mweehee I like how it turned out.

And I am now learning the bad habit of flooding my blog with images. Poor Photobucket. Saying that I just want to make use of the opportunity to show everyone what I meant by my "Paint it black" style is a poor excuse na, but heck care.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Looking at these, I think I got a wee little bit better. >.< I think. I hope I saw correctly.

Better be off to bed now to catch my 2 hours of sleep. Got first service tomorrow.

Eeeaarrrgghh still have so much work to do...

Nothing is more depressing and going so happy after you have completed 100% of your work, save, and then realise that your .ai file is corrupted

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Listening: Rie Fu - I wanna go to a place

Haha yeps, so Saru's earlier purple picture which she is so proud of, just died-ed. Illustrator, for some reason, failed to save it.

God thinks Saru is being too cocky and thus has decided to humble her?

Saru wants to cry already... It's worse than my schoolwork hanging, because while I don't love my schoolwork, I love this picture.

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