Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is wrong with daydreams?

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Listening: Suneohair - Sakasama Bridge
Watching: Birdy the Mighty Decode - The Cipher
Reading: Nononono - Chapter 60

I already understand, that fantasy and make-believe is a form of escapism from real life. But why is it wrong? Perhaps I should take it up to 11 and become a resident of Arakawa.

Everyone daydreams too, just each differing in their levels and type of imagination. Besides, if people like us don't daydream,
Who will write stories?
Who will draw illustrations?
Who will author manga?
Who will design characters?
Who will plan storyboards?
Who will shoot movies?
Who will animate films?
Who will make games?

As a parent, I feel sad that my children/creation's existence is being so definitively rejected. I am more God-like then I know, sometimes.

1 comment:

MidNight The Magnificent said...

Too true. What will we have left if all dreams are taken away? The idiot box is the DEATH of imagination. People used to read WORDS and come up with visions in their own mind's eyes of how the scenes ought to be. Stupid Blood Sis doesn't even TOUCH a (story)book outside of her textbooks nowadays.

Ok, so she DID touch the Twilight crap, but my point still stands, she hasn't read a REAL book. (Twilight is just a waste of paper. Or, in DESPERATE times, a pretty good substitute for TOILET paper. Best use it will ever be put to.)